Needed imports

In [31]:
# plotting
import holoviews as hv
%load_ext holoviews.ipython

# scientific python usage
import numpy as np
from   numpy import exp,cos,sin,pi,tan,sqrt
from scipy.stats import norm
from __future__ import division

# dedist package
from dedist import dedist

The holoviews.ipython extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext holoviews.ipython
HoloViewsJS, BokehJS successfully loaded in this cell.

Holoviews notes

Plotting objects from Holoviews can be superimposed by multiplying them, and put in subplots by adding them. Axes are automatically linked:

In [32]:


Oft-used Python trick

Let's say you have two equally sized arrays a and b, and you want to find all possible multiplication possibilities a[0]b[0], a[0]b[1],.....,a[N]b[N]. This is done in one line of code as follows:

In [33]:
a = np.arange(10)
b = np.arange(20,30)

array([[  0,  20,  40,  60,  80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180],
       [  0,  21,  42,  63,  84, 105, 126, 147, 168, 189],
       [  0,  22,  44,  66,  88, 110, 132, 154, 176, 198],
       [  0,  23,  46,  69,  92, 115, 138, 161, 184, 207],
       [  0,  24,  48,  72,  96, 120, 144, 168, 192, 216],
       [  0,  25,  50,  75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225],
       [  0,  26,  52,  78, 104, 130, 156, 182, 208, 234],
       [  0,  27,  54,  81, 108, 135, 162, 189, 216, 243],
       [  0,  28,  56,  84, 112, 140, 168, 196, 224, 252],
       [  0,  29,  58,  87, 116, 145, 174, 203, 232, 261]])

Dedist package

The dedist package calculates decoding distributions using multivariate Gaussians. It needs to know the basic tuning curves for this, and a sufficiently dense (and probably periodic) sampling of the stimulus space. First we must define a tuning curve function of the following form.

def fun(x,x_,par):
    ''' Basic tuning curve function as used in the dedist package.

    x : array
        preferred values of neurons
    x_ : array
        stimulus values
    par : array
        Function parameters

        the response across neurons
    # do some thing
    # return some array giving response of all neurons

So for example, a Gaussian tuning curve:

In [34]:
def fun(x,x_,par):
    ''' Gaussian tuning curve
    x,x_ : arrays
        Preferred and actual stimuli
    par : array or list
        Tuning curve parameters, should be as [a,s], with 
        a being the max response, and s**2 the variance.
         of form a*exp(-(x-x_)**2/(2*s**2))
    return par[0]*exp(-(x-x_)**2/(2*par[1]**2))

Then, we set some basic parameters

In [35]:
# number of neurons
N = 64

# gaussian noise sqrt(variance)
sigma = 1

# set of orientations
A = np.linspace(-pi,pi,N+1)[:-1]

# Stimulus sampling (at what stimuli the probability dist should be calculated)
# This needs to be at least as high as N. The stimulus sampling in the case of 
# mirrored functions (such a function dependent on the absolute value of the stimulus)
# the stimulus samples should only include half of the possible inputs
ns = 64
As = np.linspace(-pi,pi,ns+1)[:-1]

# set parameters
par = [1,1]

First, let's simulate the system a set number of times normally

In [36]:
# number of realizations
reals = 100000

# set stimulus index (such that the stimulus value is As[stim])
stim = 32

# define noise
n = np.random.normal(scale=sqrt(sigma),size=(reals,N))

# find all possible responses across sample stimuli
F = fun(A,As[:,None],par)

# find real response and add noise
f = F[stim,:]
n = np.random.normal(scale=sigma,size=(reals,N))
r = f+n

# find total squared errors across possible stimuli
Errors = np.sum((r-F[:,None])**2,axis=2)

# find the minimum error stimuli for each noise realization
sol = As[Errors.argmin(axis=0)]

# plot decoding distribution histogram
dA = (As[1]-As[0])/2
freq, edges = np.histogram(sol, bins=As-dA)


Next, let's sample some error profiles from the multivariate probability distribution that representents the behaviour of the above system.

In [37]:
# sample a 100 erorr profiles
sol_th,Errors,means,cov = dedist.sample_E(fun,As[stim],par,sigma,A,As,reals,True)

# get decoding distribution
freq, edges = np.histogram(sol_th, bins=As-dA)

Sampling from distribution
/home/sander/Code/personal/DeDist/dedist/ RuntimeWarning: covariance is not positive-semidefinite.
  Errors = np.random.multivariate_normal(means,cov,size=n)

And finally let's do the same but by calculating the probability that a given stimulus is has the minimum error.

In [38]:
p = dedist.est_p(fun,As[stim],par,sigma,A,As,verbose=False)


In [ ]: